“What happens when a genre with a well-known history, like still life, intersects with today’s technological advancements?” This question sits at the heart of Vlad Hrynko’s (b. 1991) Foundation series. The visual artist, based in Kyiv, Ukraine, crafts installations from cardboard boxes and other miscellaneous objects; in his words, “literally anything that is nearby.” He projects colourful light onto the arrangement, transforming piles of clutter into something entirely different. The patterns are inspired by abstract paintings, with intersecting geometric shafts of green, pink, red and yellow. Readers might be reminded of Barbara Kasten, who pioneered constructed photography in the 1980s. Yet Hrynko’s work takes on new meaning in an era defined by overconsumption and waste. His process is intuitive and involves scaling and moving light sources little by little, conducting several experiments on each scene until he finally feels “that’s it.” vladhrynko.pics

All images: Vlad Hrynko, Untitled (2023). From Foundation (2023 – ongoing).
The post Building the Image appeared first on Aesthetica Magazine.