#Behet Bondzio Lin Architekten
#South Korea
#Behet Bondzio Lin Architekten
#South Korea
All images © behet bondzio lin architekten, shared with permission
A South Korea fashion brand and textile manufacturer’s headquarters in Seoul gets a stunning new look thanks to German architecture firm behet bondzio lin architekten. Located in Seongsu-dong, a neighborhood historically known for its red brick factory buildings, the new multistory structure defies the material’s traditionally angular application by incorporating an undulating, drapery-like facade.
The architects conceived of a design inspired both by the flow and flexibility of textiles and the consistent rhythm of ocean waves. The client, W-Mission, sought to embody its brand values of sanctuary, sacredness, and community with a design incorporating interior spaces that encourage connection, craft, and a focus on the future.
Explore more projects on the firm’s Instagram.
#Behet Bondzio Lin Architekten
#South Korea
#Behet Bondzio Lin Architekten
#South Korea
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